
About Me

Have you ever gotten home from a date and thought to yourself, "This could only happen to me!"? I have. Ninety-gazillion times. I am 30 something and single. I have had that moment where I have locked myself in the bathroom at the local watering hole to make a call to my "emergency contact" to beg them to come get me out of whatever torturous experience I am currently in the middle of. I have smiled my way though disaster after disaster only to have a Charlotte moment where I look at my friends and say "I have been dating since I was 15, I am exhausted, where is he?" It is in those moments where those closest to me laugh, cry, and sometimes pee a little from excitement and we all realize that dating sucks. It is a necessary evil if we want to find our prince. Yes, I said prince. I was raised in the days of Disney Fairytales and I believe that they can happen. So, after all the mishaps and misery, I still believe. I have faith. Through the "this could only happen to me" moments I know I will find the one moment where I will be lucky enough to say "you finally happened."