
Friday, January 20, 2012

When are we too old for casual sex?

Casual sex.

The words themselves initiate immediate feelings from every person.  Some instantly think slut.  Some think oh fun!  However you feel about it, casual sex is here to stay.  It has to be noted that I do not consider myself slutty, whoreish, or any other term that means I sleep around.  That is not the case.  I don't.  However, I am in the 30's and single and no matter how how I slice the pie (mmmmmm I'm hungry.  Ok, sorry, back on track.) I have needs.  So my question is this: when do we become too old for sex without a relationship?

Most people go through their wild phase (which includes drinking, sex, parties) when they are in college or in their early 20's.  It's no secret that I met my ex when I was 19 and was married at 23.  I never had a wild phase.  It's not that I regret my choices, because I wouldn't change them for anything, I just now find myself in a situation where I sometimes feel like I'm 20.  I'm single, trying to date, going out to bars, and horny all the time.  I mean, I should be like the women through the curtain at a circus "Pay to see the crazy horny woman!  She is a rare breed and thinks about sex ALL THE TIME."  I swear, I'm either a freak of nature or my "prime" is hitting me hard.  It may be that I'm going through my prime sexual phase when for all intents and purposes I have no immediate access to the goods.  You see, you always want what you can't have.

The problem for me is that I want it all the time.  I also date, a lot.  So I'm around attractive men but I'm not getting any action that makes my girly parts shiver.  I meet people, go on dates, make them buy me dinner, and then usually within 3 dates it ends.  Where does that get me?????  I'll tell you.  That gets me to Target to buy more batteries for B.O.B. (no, not a man named Bob---I wish---but my battery operated boyfriend).  After a while not even batteries can work as my vibrator has broken.  Over use.  Awesome.  So now, my choices are go to Ambiance and buy a new B.O.B., or find someone to sleep with.  Consistently.

I have options on possible suitors but they each come with challenges.  One, I really really want to be with for a long long time.  He makes me smile in ways I forgot I could.  I don't want to risk screwing anything up.  But wow, do I want him.  The other...well, I have mentioned being his oat.  He is fun, handsome, sweet, charming, and wants nothing from me regarding a relationship.  Am I wrong to want to sleep with him?  Am I wrong that I have thought that until the guy I dream about all the time says he wants to be with me and only me it's ok that I get some nookie from somewhere else?  Ugh.  It's so hard (hehe, like a hard penis) to know what to do.  See, I couldn't even get through that sentence without thinking about penis'!  I have a problem!

I understand that sex is something that should be sacred and enjoyed with someone you love.  But it should also be fun, and naughty, and exciting, and passionate, and beautiful, and glorious...why can't those things be shared with someone whose company you enjoy even though you know it will not go anywhere?  Is 30-something too old to sleep with someone without a commitment when I know that deep down what I long for is a love to last a lifetime?

I have no moral or fun fact to spread this time as this was more of a "word vomit" session of me spewing my thoughts onto the internet.  I'm not sure what I'll do, but until I figure it out looks like I better buy the 20 pack of batteries while I'm at Ambiance.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I'm wondering at exactly this question myself - so I googled 'how old is too old for casual sex' and your post came up. I'm 37. I think the issue isn't being too old for casual sex per se but simply wasting time on something which isn't ultimately what one wants. I mean, under the casual sex label can come stuff which counts as love too - like a committed sort of live-apart relationship (I imagine). And for some people that might have to suffice by way of committed relationship. But the thing is if one wants a family then I reckon the emotional fallout from casual sex can get in the way of focussing on finding the right person for that. At least for me. I guess maybe some of us are at different stages, have different needs and sensitivities. Casual sex can be a bit depressing too.
